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Blogged @ 8/09/2010 11:48:00 PM

Post no #200


Blogged @ 2/20/2010 12:51:00 PM

Lets get going.

After ages of not blogging, I guess this post will somehow suffice in summarizing this crazy long gap. Lets start with the latest thing, which happened like 12 hours ago. I actually met with ZY, for supper, nearby we north&east-ern-ers. Just wanted to do some catching up before the crazy National Service. Unfortunately, I'm GOING TO PTP, which is kinda stupid because i decidedly "not to take" napfa. With this in mind, a PES A/B-er would definately go through morning , day and night physical training...oh wow. Make no mistake though, I have ensured that i will not be the pig being drag through the mud at the end of the day. I guess, with so many generations of defaulting and escape, there is simply no chance to evade this as a common man. I have sort the neccessary advise and preparation to mitigate suffering inside. I can't complain much though,certainly, I have foreseen this comming and ensured the past few months was a dream. Travelling through so many places and seeing the world was just blissful. I guess i would just spend the remaining days, seemingly in peace, before entering. Bring on the hell =)

Blogged @ 9/08/2009 04:12:00 PM


Just got the letter, graduated, DWM, honour-roll, gold-medalist, capitaland scholar
nomination for all rounder award.

Hope to go into SMU!

Looking FOR WORK.

Garena FTW L4D


Blogged @ 3/21/2009 10:53:00 AM


The weather is rainy! and when it RAINS IT POURS
Im feeling lazy, tired
and im sick..

I WILL NOT BREAK the routine
Today i will run, just like every other sunday before this one
I will run like those tribal african's running from lions.


Crave the Goal
Plan for Success
Achieve Greatness

Blogged @ 10/19/2008 02:56:00 PM


This is just a shoutout!

Thanks everyone man, this year's is something special

Especially the "porn" shotglasses and the speed inexcess of 150/160Km per hour =)

All the well wishers

For a better year ahead! I promise you


Blogged @ 10/12/2008 05:55:00 PM

The Enabler & the Enabled

One way of looking at people is through the enable method. Basically you are either the enabler or the enabled or both. Basically, when someone is enabled, you get the ability or the creativity to do what you desire. This could mean in terms of ideas or resources. Just like in the show HOUSE, Gregory was enabled by his interns. The show is basically about this renowned doctor who can solve almost any problems, but he had to bounce ideas off interns to find out the problem! Well, we call it brainstorming sessions =P, most of us probably done it in some form. The enabler is basically in this case, the interns. But the enabler can be an object or place too! Strangely, i get enabled in my toilet, which basically i guess somehow in a nice hot bath gives me ideas on things.
These days the friendship concept is something that's been on my mind a lot; i think i did mention it in the previous posts. What i meant by the friendship concept is basically the idea of platonic relationships. Ideally, the world is about you scratch my back and vice-versa. But we all know that this usually doesn't happen. The cruel world tells us that friendships are just about convenience. When a certain place, time or activity doesn't fit the routine anymore, out the window you go. But of course, there are exceptions. The thing is i feel like a safety net these days, and i guess we all are in some sense. If you ever got the feeling of being used because this person has nothing better to do or wants something and thus look for you, only to find out that when he/she has something else now and neglects. Well that's what I'm saying. I suppose when it comes to anything , caveat emptor, or buyers BEWARE. once you invested your feelings/money/resources it something, its yours! be it broken or so
I guess life isn't that bad; Everything is on track. My master plans in school grades, active lifestyle, computer stuff, friends are all along the way. In my plans, they are going to converge soon, and well there are missing pieces that i will fill along the way. Speaking of plans, i got lots of books to do some knowledge upgrades. If you don't already know me well enough, i love books. Books are entirety of human evolution and a plethora of knowledge. I mean you cannot take it word for word but they do to a certain extend educate you on a subject matter. Some people might not know but basically books are a collection of paper and was invented by the Egyptians called papyrus. Arguably, the most important invention in the world! Before paper, the only way to store knowledge if with the brain, and although almighty and powerful that is; memory is a failure, and knowledge such as landscapes, blueprints and other important information was vaguely transferred at best. With paper, everyone can easily access the most crucial of knowledge at will.
Anyway, i was reading about the game by neil strauss , one of the most popular books in the united states and well probably Singapore as well. What is interesting is that they break down the way people behave into very primitive thoughts. Its about pickup artists and how they adopt methods into hooking up with people. The interesting thing about it was it is so damn popular. I really did wonder if it really happened or was it a gimmick. I have heard of some people using the methods successfully, but i guess certain of the things stated were commonsense, just like business studies. The thing is people rarely go beyond their routine styles unless explicitly directed to do so. I really did wonder if those success stories were because the people found there are of a certain character and these methods can only cater to these select groups or is this applicable to all. Is the book a truth or a widespread gimmick? After all so many people read it already. Truth is the biggest winner is the writer of the book. So are you playing the game or is the game playing you.. literally?

Blogged @ 9/03/2008 09:43:00 PM


Counter Intuition! That's the word i was trying to recall the other day. Basically if you see the world in a mathematical perspective, its about CORRELATIONS. Basically whether the independent and the dependant variables are in anyway affecting changes upon each other. Of course since the world is NON-LINEAR(NO CETERIS PARIBUS) we cannot qualify exactly how one factor results in a consequence;ACTION REACTION/CAUSE & EFFECT;CAUSALITY.

Studies have showed that one aspect of why humans are superior to animals is understanding this concept of CORRELATION(COUNTERINTUITION). We are able to link long term rewards from suffering in a short term. This can be inform of working like crazy for the rewarding pay cheque at the end of the month. Or the satisfaction gained from running a race. The idea of immediate gratification vs delayed gratification is basically a subset of self control.

Remember those incidences where tigers eat their long time trainers? well basically i guess in this aspect, they still have a deep seated desire that they are unable to control in totality. Essentially, humans have such a problems too, but we are more superior from generations of control such that we are able to suppress your innate desires (Freudian Theorem)

The thing about counter-intuitive situations is that WE usually cant tell when they are positively or inversely related. Beyond that, sometimes you fail to realise emotions take control. Especially in such a complex and complicated world we live in, factors change. Lets take for example, when panic and fear sets in underwater, struggling to the surface kills you even faster; or in a quicksand pit. Even in ordinary,everyday, conversations. Sometimes when you try to reject something so strongly, you give yourself away.

The people who reject it the loudest, are often the ones that are the most affected.

Blogged @ 9/03/2008 05:39:00 PM

About Me
Name: Besley
Birthday: Secret!


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