These days ive been reflecting on my life and i realised im like the frog in the well...
TP has been that well and i was ignorant of the world outside that place, so many things have changed since then.
That day, when i left my friend's "open-house", i went to meet up with old friends and it really left me wondering about many things. For one, one of my close friends got attached and it wasnt too long ago we were joking around about it. I sense that he had changed and yet im no longer sure what it was. My other friend, who always seemed to be a hardcore party clubber.. the usual
characteristics of a party person, u know drink and smoke ALOT kinda thing... and turns out HE QUIT.
So well, when going around, talking about the usual topics.. suddenly i heard studying was dumb and i got smarter and fuck school? wow. from someone who usually chose the most logical way to this!. It got me thinking. Was studying indeed a waste of timE? or what? but perhaps that was not it! ive learned alot since ive been studying at TP, from law, psycho, socio , management.. everything dealing with people and yet it bewilders me personality was probably easier to change than thought by many people. It was probably due to this phase where people have to go through and influenzes caused them to make decisions, decisions that affect everything in their lives.
I uncovered that ive tried to avoid thinking about many things, and perhaps ive to face them somehow. So many things ive regretted and would give so much just to change it. from lost friends to moments of folly that led to so many different kinds of problems. These are probably too late to correct it now, something i should have done a long time ago. Maybe pride is holding me back and the lapse of time had made me shy away from it all, but deep down i know that it was my mistake, a mistake one too many.
Now, ill just concentrate on getting by and maybe just maybe.. ill muster the courage & determination to contiune to improve, progress and change. The world is changing , with or without you.. dont lack behind!