i think im growing callous......
i was walking back from the interchange today
and this oldman ask me for like a buck
and i didnt have coins @ the moment
so i kinda la rejected him.........
i could have just given him 2 bucks
but i didn't.
hmm am i being devoided of feelings.
these days im seeing alot of my old self
remergeing again,memories just keep triggering
do u think people are deserving of your concern
when they do not even show any in return.
im not sure... noticed most assholes
appear nice but are in fact not
and most people who appear assholeish
are the nicest people around
and there are those are appear asshole-like
and are assholes. those are people like..
what the hell im a thinking..
Blogged @ 4/28/2006 05:24:00 PM
irony...or no irony....that is not the question.
been complaining about having no time to blog
now when i found the time, i dunnoe what to type..
"Welcome to RE**** management"
That is the words i saw on the powerpoint slide on my
first official lesson in tp.Maybe cuz i hate the name so
i dun quite like it.So theres the new guy today.......
as usual all the newbie freshies are all quiet during the
first few days.Im still lamenting if joinning tp was the right choice anot
im very sure that majority of the people in RMT didnt quite put it as
top choice anyway.
Im starting to feel the strain on my old friendships already
and its been very early.Reminsciening about the past
makes me wonder if ill revert back to my old self.Those were..proud times
but everything comes at a cost, i dun think i wanna go back there.
Eric seems to be up to something, and i dunnoe what.
and i dun like being in the dark.
o well what does it matter to me anyway.poly is definately drainning, no thanks to the inhumanly long journey to and fro.
i need somewhere to destress or something. i got many things running through my head
and everything works on a timeline....and im not sure what im suppose to do.
hopefully everything works out. should i be contented with what i have?
everything i challenge just seems to fail. im not sure if i wanna carry on.
someone tell me why i keep trying to change things.
Blogged @ 4/27/2006 05:37:00 PM
well the other day just had a short chat with felix
seems like hes doing pretty well.
felix is pretty extraordinary i would say
im actually quite surprised someone his age already knows
what he wants to do
and added with that natural resourcesfulness,hes alreadying
making his marks on the industries's stepping stones.
You know, at first i thought what the hell is he thinking,
doing what bodybuilding nonsense and stuff like that.
honestly, i still have abit of doubts on it but
passion is also very important in what u do.
and despite all the uncertainty of not making it,
he seems to be doing the impossible.
anyway i wish him the best of luck in that "PERCULIAR" ,as ming likes to call it,
Blogged @ 4/26/2006 11:58:00 AM
Problems,problems and more PROBLEMS
well yesterday i was was very sleepy.
and dang some interesting problems was shared with me :glad to see the trust people put in me.
after pondering the problem, i came to a conclusion.
like the last time i told jian hong about it
and he was still like..CANNOT anything but wait
but in the end he still waited and everything turned out right :)
but this situation is abit more unique.
i suppose in a relationship, if its true..who cares about anyone else
or at least thats my view..infatuations are such complicated things
arghh. theres only that much i can do
of course another friend offered me this advise once.
get over it?? another possible solution to the issue i suppose
da dum,school day #1.
y.a.y no tutorials for week 1 but the bus ride is 1 1/4 HOUR
fcuk. i have no idea how im gonna survive la
someone save me. but it was alrite so far
doing marketing fundamendals at the moment
pretty okay...teacher made is not-so-dry
Lets start with an A for the first test GOGOOG
and ALSO TOday i was reading the forum page and
theres this person called adeline KOH
who is currently a honour student in NUS
someone who ive come to abhorr
THIS person has just publicly critique
poly students in the bloody newspaper in
the currently very heated controversial issue of
jc vs poly students. very disheartening to say this kind of supercilious attitude
only serves to display their lack of understanding and practicality perhaps even immaturity
on the issue and this comes from a HONOUR student.
makes me disappointed to see the brightest of our country exhibits such elitist behavior.
that is all
Blogged @ 4/24/2006 07:37:00 PM
Loves to chat. Loves those who love them. Loves
to takes things at the center. Inner and physical
beauty. Lies but doesn't pretend. Gets angry
often. Treats friends importantly. Brave and
fearless. Always making friends. Easily hurt but
recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated.
Does not care to control emotions.
Extremely smart, but definitely the hottest AND
sexiest of them all.
Daily Horo
The Bottom Line
Don't stop now -- you're riding on a wave of solid momentum, and it's a biggie.
In Detail
You're not going to complain if you have to paint your masterpieces in a freezing cold attic studio. Nor are you likely to complain if you have to write your poetry in a dark, dank basement room. Nor are you likely to complain if you have to read children's stories to homeless kids with a less than ideal reading lamp. But sometimes -- not always, but sometimes -- a well-placed complaint can do wonders.
Blogged @ 4/23/2006 01:53:00 PM
Week Zero.
Hey Hey Hey
Bye Boredom,Welcome...something else.
Crappy, silly or dumb? beats boredom anyday of the week
Orientation is just ended.
Its been a fun event
lol lotsa girls around the ratio could be anywhere between 1:5 to 1:10
im not very sure. but of course the team bonding was erm soso
my group was abit apathatic, i dare not go hyper la
so pai seh..after everyone see you...then they will be like *hes so weird...*.
so silence strong type is good.
Along The course of the way i found out who are the pon tangers and those cheeky monkeys,
so i would say ive identified the weaknesses in my chain. BUT i needed find a formidable team now..
the Course manager & care persons look pretty good..for now
seems to be making logic till now, but the problem of scoring a gpa of 3.5-3.8 seems to be abit daunting.
but ill try my best la.
I wanna take science/maths/computer related cross-disciplinary subjects and take on a cca, badminton or something while actively participating the business intrest group.
Anyway im beginning to settle down until news of bob's sucessful transfer has reached my ears.
he apparently wrote a letter to the director of sp and got accepted into ba,kinda wished i had ask my contact to hold the appeal. but i supose its because either bob has a very convincing letter or he is VERY lucky someone dropped out. either way i dun have such luck.but even if i do, im not sure if i want to anymore,
everything has started..i just got used to everything.. i dun see a need to anymore
i must say these 2 days has been tiring and the crappy timetable telling me i got the wake up early for 3 days per week just makes me more tired lol
For the record i would like to thank the ogl or sls for their time, i know they didn't have to do this or be so ethu about it BUT they were so 3 cheers for them! woooo,hopefully we will followup some time in future, but im not very sure. only that hong yi has anyone of their numbers which i believe is felin.
so time to prep for mr desilva's marketing class @ 9am on monday, i heard it might be abit....tough.
Blogged @ 4/21/2006 11:30:00 PM
Where'd You go?
3rd Day of pure boredom.
Definately man's greatest disease
tmr is orientation. getting abit anxious
im thinking of becomming a member of the asme too
association of small and medium enterprise i think
its quite a nice place i think i go join
good for my networking and stuff
Blogged @ 4/19/2006 10:13:00 AM
T-2 days 2 orientatioN!
i always wonder if i should attempt to know more
because it comes a time where you either don't wanna know something
or knowing something just makes you upset. :Maybe being ignorant is a bliss afterall
typically stated example..
if someone is gonna die in 5 days
would u tell him and risk him being worried for the 5 days
or would u let him live carefree for that 5days.
On other issues, qwek is still using his stupid laptop and chatting with me in school.
and im going to dieeee soon.afterall, i kinda pulled something during last sundays little sports practice and im running outta computer games to play AND everyone is in school AND
reading is getting a bore. :
Fortunately its only 2 days b4 orientation. hopefully we have some followup shit after that.
The secret blog is almost done, just gotto set up some security features for intrusion detection and prevention.
updated 1:27pm
wooty i felt bored and give my blog a calender hope u guys like it :)
and the stupid music hosting thing got ddosed THAT IDIOT
WHY can't u leave my music alone. sigh. and suddently everything seems to come in 2 today..
2 hours b4 someone actually gets back online 2 days "2" orientation
...some affinity with that number..i must be going mad
Updated 3:12pm
Blogged @ 4/18/2006 01:12:00 PM
Day 1.
This story takes place over 4 Days
So its DAY 1 of rotting :Rot Rot Rot
Listening to Na nu hai dui wo shuo (huang yida) AND Gone by switchfoot
..... reading a event management book
and seeing if anyone comes online.
Today is...obviously day 1 of me doing nothing much.
since most of my poly counterparts are already on their way to start their school
the timing is just pure ridiculous. i mean its pretty much laughable.
i have a nyp friend ending at 10pm on tuesday and another sp going satudary for 30mins of lessons tantamounting to about 1 1/2 hours of time usage 3/4 of which is travelling.
Hopefully poly would be as fun as i contemplated.
What do you think?
Anyway got a strange nostalgic flashback again...after looking at friendster
this dick called jon is back.. i believe was my kindergarden classmate
didn't have much contact..for a long long time. so its back and hes minoring in chinese and jap.
im liken not world of warcraft.
And also i decided to start a lil secret blog lol since ive been seeing some people do it
might as well start one since i got some crap stuff to say but my morals prevent me from saying.
ALSO qwek is so free....... hes msning me from that crap place he is in he is or play man.
i wondering why is everyone so defensIve...
i won't bite la,TRUST me.
maybe i dun have that trust face.
Discovered a nice nick lachey Song
Updated 12:48pm
lets stay tuned if anything else happens
Blogged @ 4/17/2006 12:35:00 PM
SteadFast hope
Today, i observed something which i didn't quite expect.
something that shook the very foundations on how i am as a person.
it just made me rethink how i should pioritise my life.
it changed my character so fast you could put 5 years of my life on it.
this just made me understand why somethings works someways
i feel i just might have just grown to be able to relate somethings.
its a silent trust between everyone, maybe i shall exchange a little trust
in return
Blogged @ 4/16/2006 04:13:00 PM
Fiat volvntas tua
i just woke up today and realised how nice the people around me are,i was feeling down yesterday and im just i get abit cranky and i would think it was very obvious and suddently everyo

ne starts expressing their concern,its actually quite touching :looks like i didn't choose my friends wrongly and i wasnt wrong to treat them like scanctum sanctorum.
today is just a short post
dun feel like typing a long winded recount of what happened yesterday
let me write something for myself
Life wasn't that unexpected for me up to this point.
There was many hints along the way of my secondary 3 & 4 life
i remember quite vividly that mrs chan did recount a story about a student who tried very hard after a sudden epiphany the realise of studying maths but it was way too late for him and he didn't exactly got what he wanted. Not quite the fairy tale ending everyone would like. Well lifes like that. I had many expectations of myself at that point, maybe i was being overly confident of myself but there was always this tiny part of me doubting my own abilities which i chose to ignore.of course in the end we all know i didn't do very well. I don't know why i decided to ignore that cynical side of me,even with another event that is randall asking me what if we didn't do well for some subjects like maths. Maybe looking posivetively isn't as good as we thought.
Hopefully such a incident doesn't happen again.
These stuff are testing my faith.
I hope me as the Fidei defensor for myself
will keep it alive for as long as i can
but i don't deny that past event has changed me alot.
Blogged @ 4/15/2006 09:10:00 AM
proselytism & promulgation
time is comming for me to start going back to SCHOOL!
i need a purpose in life and studying as a purpose?
hey why not =p
end of boredom.
and as a indication of how my fitness is detoriarating?
i cannot even run 6 rounds anymore
but after today im confident i can push myself harder
i must say maybe after all these years my fragile confidence in myself is just getting back
again.. somehow just gotto thank the people around me.
To be extremely blunt,i would put it that im not going to paradise or anything
hey my school is far and everything that stupid 13 pointer course but im gonna try my best to keep an open mind, make my life more intresting than it has ever been.
Looking back,i would say ive come very far to where iam standing, and so have u all.
maybe you are not where u want to be now, maybe u are, maybe u seem nowhere but
that is no longer in your control. Don't get me wrong, what u can change,CHANGE
but what u cannot, release control. its important to know when to let go. my days in mshs
were very meaningful, very filled with fasinating things.. probably because of my class.. my special class filled with people from all walks of life. unique talents and character... with the addition of that abit more than zealous teacher i would say gave me all these wonderful memories. i dun think i stood out very much from the crowd as much as i wanted to, thats my only tiny regret. being part of the class was just something i will never want to change but of course the results could be alot better nonetheless.
packing my desk the other day while preparing for where i am going,i came across many namelist, many contacts, many mementos that gives me flashbacks of what it was like in the past. i remember my first time out of the class, which was actually with mark, my sec4 friend,
intrestingly it was dun misunderstand i got A in like every year with extremely high scores. hypocrasy scores i would say. there was also many people i remember someone sharing homework stuff...dunnoe why but the clearest one was with kokbin.. asking me something about homework... anyway its abit sad that year's namelist was torn into half and i couldn't find the 2nd part. anyway from what ive heard, everyone is doing well although unfortunately i am unable to express to them my sincere concern and regards.
to close this paragraph i just wanted to thank MINGY and jin who have grown to be a source of my strength and to be my confidantes during this short part of the holidays.. maybe its long..after all its 6 months... back to the point is that sadly i didn't cherish the opportunity to understand u guys during our alma mator. but better late than never!
hopefully our friendship would not faulter under the strains of time and convinence
i would like the state for the record my sincere and grateful thanks to them =)
godspeed and whatsoever
Blogged @ 4/05/2006 11:52:00 PM
vehemence of passion.
After starting a post for 114 times, or somewhere around there,
i have no idea how to start you... but ill begin with
HI? no.. lets just start anyway.
One thing ive learned is jarret's abit-more-than-very-close-friend-buddy nesh
is severly unreliable about information. How do appendicitis become stomach flu?
lol imagine saying cancer is headache or something.
By now,you should already assumed jarret has his appendiX REMOVED!
HA! i meant awww so sad :( well at least hes still walking the earth for perhaps
another 100-20 years? maybe.
That lil imp must have been jumping around like a monkey too much after eating
for a note to you anyway, i think i might be closing the project after all
i find that helping him solve his problem is just way too difficult
that is because i found out something more about his problem
which dwells deeper than it seems,the problem that is.
lets just call it a failed masterplan. but there might be hope yet.
i can't stop laughing that nickt lend his cd to lionel and never got it back
cuz hes too daoed and doesn't reply to phones or msn LOL
sad, o well.. trying to be less subjective.. sometimes u just gotto know
who u are lending it to before you actually lEND i didn't mean who..
i mean WHO! some people just thrive on peoples attention, others just
a nice person outside but who knows,when they are actually freakos in their heads.
well i think my sp appeal will be rejected, im almost 99% sure
but i dun quite mind anyway, dunnoe where life will take me
but im gonna go along with it for now. i tried to change where my lifeboat's sail
but i couldn't , so lets see if it takes me somewhere good.
actually i do wonder if ANYONe reads this blog anymore
but no matter i just keeping referance to myself now
abit like ming having his diary but mings so mysterious when talking to me
i hasnt figured that part yet.. maybe there a motive or im just thinking too much
rofl. hes always like that but its not my lost, i can't do anything to anything
if i dunnoe anything. get it?
sure u do, u are a smart one.
rui is ever-growing distant, its kinda sad lol
although he denies it but he knows i know
i know he knows n i know he knows i know too
so why DENY. lets embrace it. acknowledge it
and drift slowly apart.
closing this entry with a issue that been on my mind for quite sometime,
im very annoyed lately with people who do not practise what they preach.
or more blatently bullshiters and also all those bitchy 2-faced fairweathered hypocrites
i use to think time will change them all but maybe i was wrong.
and perhaps its actually me, im not sure but i will be sure to test myself soon
i had accused b4 people of being calculative and narrowmindedness
and ive been rebuked with the same claims. im past that stage and looking if
i am actually what i hate. ironically, sounds like a relient k song.
Blogged @ 4/04/2006 09:31:00 PM