I know its abit late but forgive me,for the past few days ive just been running on pure will.Being sick and all lol,going everywhere to have fun...im still not dead yet so its fine.If i predict correctly,i should be home for the next few days bringing my health back up to scratch.
Its sure has been a long time since i last blog,about few months? time flies while you are having fun...(GOING OUT,PLAYING COMPUTER,SLACKING) but what can one expect. Im just thinking of facelifting the blog,components throughout the site is failing but i really couldn't care less lol.For those 10s of readers,sorry :(
Life WILL feel very uncertain for the next few months bcuz im really unsure where i am going.
The Working Life is approaching every year i age,every stage is pass.Im not sure i am ready....
People are working,Others are studying...and im stuck in the middle.
The genting trip was absolutely fun though didn't take quite a few rides..escaping singapore and having such WEATHER was just pure fantasy. To add off the icing on the cake,i was alone,without my family...just me in a foreign land and some friends .I thought of nothing but myself,did nothing but have fun.It was a amazing trip.

Ive also recieved news recently that ming yi is RETURNING! wooo :X 2 days and HES BRINING ME A BELGUIM CHOCOLATE. YOU HEARD RIGHT (STINGY) 1....1 chocolate.
o well better than nothing :)
ALSO CONGRATS to MR yan han on successfully signing up on the officer thing :X
And to qwek: " YOU MILF!"
To Bobs and his family: " THANKX FOR HAVING ME"
To all : Merry Christmas
-Besley 25/12/05(CHEATED DATE HEH)